It is important to review the expiration dates of transactions within your zipVault® account. The transaction expiration date for the zipVault® member benefit is set to five years from the creation date. Once the expiration date occurs, transactions are deleted automatically.

Remember to review your zipForm® Plus transaction expiration dates. C.A.R. gives you five years of document storage when utilizing the zipVault® member benefit. The default transaction expiration date is set to five years from the creation date. Once the expiration date occurs, transactions are deleted automatically.
You can find the transaction expiration date by looking at the list view of your transactions on the zipForm® Plus home screen or by opening the Transaction Details.
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To keep a copy of your transaction offline, you may export it to another location. Click here to learn how.

If you’re not using zipVault®, the default retention time of the transaction is 14 months from the last modification date. To activate zipVault® for your transaction, you must have included items other than the editable forms (ZFX). Examples include digitally signed PDFs, folders, Word documents, etc.

Learn more about your free zipVault® member benefit. zipVault® is not available for the desktop version zipForm® 6 Standard.